Each March, the National Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities (NACDD), and our partners work together to create a social media campaign that highlights the many ways in which people with and without disabilities come together to form strong, diverse communities.
The campaign seeks to raise awareness about the inclusion of people with developmental disabilities in all facets of community life, as well as awareness of the barriers that people with disabilities still sometimes face in connecting to the communities in which they live.
“A World of Opportunities” – we’re celebrating people and working together to remove obstacles. Our goal is to build a community that’s committed to creating a world where everyone can do well and succeed. Join us in making a world where all kinds of people have the chance to thrive.
For 2024, we opened our search for artwork to our 56 Councils and their members! This year, we are so excited to partner with Lee Waters from Anchorage, Alaska and highlight her piece “What?” as our logo for DD Awareness Month 2024. Feel free to use it in your own branding during this month!
You can download our DDAM 2024 Posters here in Arabic (Poster) (Banner), Cantonese (Poster) (Banner), English (Poster) (Banner), French (Poster) (Banner), Italian (Poster) (Banner), Japanese (Poster) (Banner) and Spanish (Poster) (Banner), for your site and social media, or you contact NACDD staff for further assistance.
We also want to thank all artists who submitted artwork pieces for this years’ poster. We also want to thank and highlight our finalists below!
NACDD hosted its’ DDAM 2024 Kick Off Call on February 22nd at 3pm EST. To listen to the full recording of the call, click here. Find the PowerPoint slides in English and Spanish.
If you need the PowerPoint in a different format, please email rrolon-muniz@nacdd.org.
Please email NACDD staff if you need a copy in a different format.
We gather and curate the resources that go into the Resource Guide in the weeks leading up to March, so please send us materials soon in order to get them into the 2024 Guide’s initial release in February. If you have resources or materials that you think should be included and shared with this campaign, please send them to us! DDAM is our chance to spread stories about the excellent work you are doing However, the Resource Guide will be updated weekly throughout the end of March as new resources are submitted, so don’t worry about missing any deadlines. Examples of resources include, but are in no way limited to, videos, toolkits, news articles, photos, personal stories, promising practices, etc.
If you have resources that you would like to submit or would like your artwork to be featured, please send them to Rafael Rolon-Muniz at rrolon-muniz@nacdd.org.
Unlike past years, we are not recommending or organizing any themed weeks, so please feel free to share any whatever materials whenever and however you want. Just remember to use the hashtag #DDawareness2024, #DDAM2024, #AWorldofOpportunities or #NewOpportunities.
For general advice and information about using social media (accessibly), look at our guide: Social Media and Accessibility 101
We want to use this campaign to showcase the excellent work that is being done to celebrate and improve the lives of people with developmental disabilities. If you have resources or materials that you think should be included and shared with this campaign, please send them to us! We will feature the submissions in our resource guide and they will be shared with audiences all across the country. Examples of resources include, but are in no way limited to, videos, toolkits, news articles, photos, personal stories, promising practices, etc.
A special element of the campaign that we began last year is to highlight the artwork created by people with disabilities. With the artist’s permission, we will highlight their art in the DD Awareness Month campaign imagery. Please note that any artwork submitted to NACDD may be subject to modification by NACDD. All artists will be given credit.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, don’t hesitate to contact us – we are more than happy to help!
Robin Troutman: rtroutman@nacdd.org
Rafael Rolon-Muniz: rrolon-muniz@nacdd.org
(202) 506-5813