Partnership Initiatives and Coalitions

The growing impact of coalitions focused on important issues to people with developmental disabilities is expanding the impact of our work.  By partnering with like-minded advocacy organizations, our reach onto Capitol Hill and federal agencies is expanding and the media coverage of our issues is increasing.  NACDD believes that working together with other organizations both within and beyond the disability community that share the broader vision for every American’s fundamental rights is key to our success.\

DD Act Partners

National Partners

Federal Government Partners

The Administration on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AIDD), formerly the Administration on Developmental Disabilities, is under the Department of Health and Human Services in the federal government. AIDD is dedicated to ensuring that individuals with developmental disabilities and their families are able to fully participate in and contribute to all aspects of community life in the United States and its territories.

AoD logo_March2024

AIDD has 4 operating divisions: the Office of the Commissioner, the Office of Program Support, the Office of Innovation, and The President’s Committee for People with Intellectual Disabilities.  Project officers within the Office of Program Support work directly with NACDD’s Technical Assistance team to support the DD Councils.

Department of Housing and Urban Development Logo
Office of Disability Employment Policy Logo
Department of Education Logo
Department of Labor Logo
Department of Health and Human Services Logo
Department of Justice Logo
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Logo
National Councils on Disability Logo

In Focus: Corporate Partnership

NACDD was approached in early 2013 by United HealthCare, the largest provider of managed care in the country, to assist them with providing the best services for the DD community. NACDD’s CEO Donna Meltzer was invited to serve on UHC’s National Advisory Board on Disability, sharing knowledge and information about the needs and expectations of people with DD and their families in the realm of managed long-term supports and services.NACDD has also brokered connections among UHC, Optum and DD Councils to stimulate much needed dialogue about gaps in care and service and how providers can better serve the DD population. NACDD is now working with other health care providers, and envisions expanding work in this field to align with the growth of healthcare for people with developmental disabilities provided through managed care organizations.

Partners and Sponsors

Thank you to our partners and sponsors for all that you help us do!

NACDD partners with numerous corporations and businesses that have the same goals that we have – creating communities where people with I/DD are valued, respected, and have opportunities for meaningful employment, safe and affordable housing, excellent health care, and opportunities for education, including higher education/college experiences. Currently we partner with healthcare organizations, leaders in the business industry, and government to expand opportunities for successful life in the community.

Corporate Outreach

NACDD has increased its work with the Chamber of Commerce and the U.S. Business Leadership Network (USBLN) on issues like the disability treaty and employment. NACDD has also increased its work with the National Organization on Disability and its corporate leaders which have led on employment issues and the new Section 503 regulations around federal contractors hiring people with disabilities. NACDD’s work on its civic engagement initiative is enhanced and sharpened with the strategic advice and guidance of CivicSolve, a civic engagement consulting group.

The organization’s work on financial literacy continues to develop in partnership with the National Disability Institute (NDI) and CESI Solutions, a financial education company. In future years these partnerships will expand to include other financial institutions and industry related community partners.

Become an NACDD Partner!

Join Us Today in Shaping the Future by Changing People's Lives

NACDD’s goal is to strategically build the organization’s ability to help deliver outcomes at the national, state and local levels that improve the lives of people with developmental disabilities and their families.

NACDD welcomes the support of like-minded civic, philanthropic, business, and government leadership who want to help us advance the interests of people with developmental disabilities and their families.

Charitable gifts, philanthropic grants, in-kind donations of goods or executive services, as well as sponsorship support now will help NACDD build on over 25 years of success in new and thoughtful ways.

Invest in these NACDD Key Results Areas:

  • Driving Federal Policy that Promotes the Independence and Equality of People with Developmental Disabilities
  • Expanding Timely Programs around Employment, Financial Literacy, Supporting Families and Civic Engagement
  • Providing More Pilot Grants for Innovative Programs
  • Promoting Model Programs for Replication
  • Developing Effective Collaborative Relationships
  • Advising Corporate Leadership on Best Practices
  • Raising Visibility on Issues and Programs
  • Improving Data Collection and Evaluation
  • Diversifying and Increasing Funding to Invest in Improved Outcomes

Only when people are informed about and understand the needs of those with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (I/DD) can true change occur and attitudes be changed. Gone should be the days of assuming that people with I/DD can’t, and instead we insist that government, business, civic leadership – as well as the public – understand that people with I/DD can be educated at the highest of levels, gain meaningful and/or competitive employment, own a home of their own, live a completely self-directed life, and contribute back to their community and our society.

Corporate Opportunities for Partnership and Sponsorship

NACDD is building relationships with businesses and corporations that share the mission to ensure that all people with developmental disabilities have the same opportunities to succeed and thrive as everyone else.

Please contact us if you would be interested in partnering with us or supporting our work.

Contact Donna Meltzer, CEO
Call: (202) 506-5813 Ext. 103 (Office) or (301) 704-2180 (cell)