Rachel London named next Executive Director Brian Cox Retiring |
After 26 years with the Maryland Developmental Disabilities Council, including 19 years as the Executive Director, Brian Cox is retiring at the end of August 2019. Brian’s leadership of the Council has capped a career that started 38 years ago when he lived with and provided support to people with developmental disabilities who were once institutionalized. As the director of the Council, Brian has led strategic systems change on issues ranging from family support to affordable housing, expanded self-advocacy and leadership development, deepened the Council’s legislative engagement, broadened the impact of our grant making, and improved overall operations. Kalani Brown, Council chair, said: “Brian has had a great impact in improving the lives of people with developmental disabilities and their families. He is well respected and knowledgeable, and his calm and respectful leadership has guided the Council as a leader in our state. He has effectively collaborated with legislators, policy makers, and partners to facilitate positive transformation in Maryland’s service delivery system for individuals with developmental disabilities and their families. We thank him greatly for his dedication and perseverance to making Maryland a more inclusive state. He will be greatly missed. ” Reflecting on his tenure, Brian stated, “I have been fortunate to have found my way into a long career that has fed my passion and it has been an honor and privileged to serve the Council. I am excited to see where new leadership takes this amazing, impactful organization.” The Council is extremely delighted to announce the promotion of Rachel London to succeed Brian as Executive Director, effective September 1, 2019. Rachel has extensive knowledge, experience, and proven performance with all key responsibilities of the position including leadership, organizational and fiscal management, strategic planning, working with a volunteer Council, grants management, legislative advocacy, and systems change/public policy work. Rachel also has extensive experience with the Maryland developmental disabilities system, education system, and other aspects of the Maryland service system that impact people with developmental disabilities and their families. She has affected positive change on an individual, systemic, and policy level and has developed effective relationships with Council members, legislators, state officials, state and national organizations, and grantees. Rachel has over 10 years of experience with the Council, including currently serving as Deputy Director. On behalf of the Executive Committee, Kalani Brown stated: ” Rachel is very familiar with our organization’s specific needs and is tremendously passionate about the work that the Council does. With Rachel at the helm, we are sure to continue to expand the impact of the Council.” Rachel and Brian will be working closely to ensure a smooth transition. Read more: http://web-extract.constantcontact.com/v1/social_annotation?permalink_uri=2VuVFu8&image_url=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.constantcontact.com%2Fdf81380c001%2Fc615f39e-1ff5-486f-991c-8fcbe53d900d.png&fbclid=IwAR0EA1OEnKIr0snT2jmI2yhS-7JRGeKAfO07MKsC2T9s7XSweLc37MpLTsA |