NACDD Welcomes New Rehabilitation Services Administration Commissioner Allen

Dear Commissioner Allen:   On behalf of the National Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities (NACDD), I would like to extend our congratulations to you on your appointment as the new Commissioner of the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA). We commend your commitment to building partnerships with other Federal agencies and stakeholders, elevating community expectations for…

NACDD Recognizes Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month & Disability Day of Mourning

Every March, the National Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities (NACDD) and our partners and council members celebrate Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month. Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month (DDAM) highlights how people with and without disabilities come together to form strong communities. DDAM raises awareness of the inclusion and contributions of people with developmental disabilities in all…

National Coalition on Accessible Voting Opposes 8th Circuit’s Decision in Arkansas State Conference NAACP v. Arkansas Bd. of Apportionment

What is the National Coalition on Accessible Voting? The National Coalition on Accessible Voting (NCAV) is a coalition of organizations that work on national voting laws and policies. NCAV works to ensure people with disabilities have access to voting throughout the United States. Why is the NCAV sending this letter? The United States Court of…

NACDD Statement on Proposed Census Bureau Data Changes

The National Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities (NACDD) congratulates the over 12,000 advocates who wrote in to the Census Bureau objecting to proposed changes to data collection on disability and questions related to the household roster for the American Community Survey (ACS) and Puerto Rico Community Survey (PRCS). This week, the Census Bureau announced…

NACDD Mourns the Recent Passing of the Chairman of the National Council on Disability, Andrés Gallegos

The National Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities (NACDD) mourns the recent passing of the Chairman of the National Council on Disability (NCD), Andrés Gallegos. Andrés was one of our nation’s leading figures in disability rights as well as a fierce champion of true inclusion and equal opportunities for people with developmental disabilities. NACDD was…

The National Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities Celebrates National Family Caregivers Month

Yesterday marked the end of National Family Caregivers Month and The National Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities (NACDD) honors family caregivers across the country. NFCM offered an opportunity to raise awareness of caregiving issues, educate communities, and increase support for caregivers.   Caregivers are all around us, from your neighbor who manages her father’s medications and…

NACDD Supports HHS and ED’s Joint Policy Statement on Inclusion of Children with Disabilities in Early Childhood Programs

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and U.S. Department of Education (ED) recently released an updated Joint Policy Statement on the Inclusion of Children with Disabilities in Early Childhood Programs. Almost one in every six children has a developmental delay, yet not every child with a disability or delay has access to…

Statement on Former First Lady Rosalynn Carter

In honoring the passing of Former First Lady Rosalynn Carter, NACDD remembers her with deep respect and gratitude for her tireless dedication to the disability and caregiving communities. Throughout her time in the public eye, she exemplified unwavering commitment to inclusivity, compassion, and advocacy. Mrs. Carter leaves behind a legacy marked by her significant contributions…

The National Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities calls on Congress to Pass a Clean Continuing Resolution and Budget for FY24

NACDD recently signed onto two letters (Coalition for Human Needs; Clean Budget Coalition) calling for a clean budget and a continuing resolution (CR) that focuses on urgent, domestic spending. Domestic programs have a large impact on the disability community and cuts to these programs will disproportionally affect individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.   Making federal cuts or not providing timely, emergency…

Statement on 60th Anniversary of the DD Act

The National Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities (NACDD), the National Disability Rights Network (NDRN), and the Association of University Centers on Disabilities (AUCD) honor the 60th Anniversary of the Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights (DD) Act. The DD Act established the DD Network, which includes State Councils on Developmental Disabilities; University Centers…